| Craig Allen Adjunct Professor Research Ecologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Jemez Mountains Field Station Email: craig_allen@usgs.gov Web: http://www.fort.usgs.gov/CAllen/ Expertise: forest ecology and dynamics, place-based science |
 | Karl Benedict Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Professor and Director of Research Data Services, UNM College of University Libraries and Learning Sciences Email: kbene@unm.edu Web: http://libguides.unm.edu/prf.php?account_id=27152 Expertise: information architecture, spatial data management |
 | Christopher Brown Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Department of Geography, New Mexico State University Email: brownchr@nmsu.edu Expertise: US-Mexico border environmental and water research, GIS, comparative environmental analysis |
 | Michaela Buenemann Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Professor and Chairperson, Department of Geography, New Mexico State University Email: elabuen@nmsu.edu Expertise: Remote sensing, GIS, land change science, landscape ecology, drylands |
 | Natali Cáceres-Arteaga, PhD Associate Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Professor: Department of Agricultural Science, Gender Equality and Rights Research Institute, Central University of Ecuador Email: dncaceres@uce.edu.ec Expertise: climate change, intersectionality, sustainability, human geography and feminist political ecology. |
 | David Correia Associate Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Professor: Department of American Studies Email: dcorreia@unm.edu Web: http://www.unm.edu/~dcorreia Expertise: environmental politics, law and violence, critical human geography, New Mexico and the U.S. Southwest |
 | Tomasz Falkowski Associate Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Assistant Professor: Honors College Email: tbfalkowski@unm.edu Web: https://honors.unm.edu/tomasz-falkowski Expertise: Ecological restoration, agroecology, socioecological systems, traditional ecological knowledge, tropical agroforestry, biochar |
 | Fred Gibbs Associate Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Associate Professor: UNM Department of History; Associate Dean for Curriculum, UNM College of Arts and Sciences Department of History Email: fwgibbs@unm.edu Web: http://fredgibbs.net Expertise: interactive mapping + urban ecologies, historical GIS, food systems, public health |
 | Silas Grant Assistant Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Campaigner, Climate Law Institute; Center of Biological Diversity Email: soagrant@unm.edu |
 | Sarah Hurteau Associate Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Principle Ecologist, Integrated Biological Solutions, LLC Email: sarah@ibis-llc.comLinkedIn: Sarah Hurteau - Principle Ecologist - Integrated Biological Solutions |
 | Emily Jones Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Professor and Director of Zooarchaeology Lab, UNM Department of Anthropology email: elj@unm.edu |
 | Kathleen Kambic Associate Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Associate Professor, UNM School of Architecture + Planning email: kambic@unm.edu Expertise: water infrastructure, political, ecology, urbanism, landscape theory |
 | Elizabeth Kistin Keller Strategic Futures, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Adjunct Assistant Professor: Geography Email: ejkk@lanl.gov Expertise: institutional resilience, transboundary conflict and cooperation, climate-water-energy-food nexus |
 | Eric Magrane Associate Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Department of Geography, New Mexico State University email: magrane@nmsu.edu Expertise: Cultural geography and creativity, human-environment geography, climate & culture, the Anthropocene, geopoetics, art & environment, environmental humanities, political ecology, critical methodologies |
 | Milford Muskett Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Department Chair, Advanced Technology (STEM), Southwest Indian Polytechnic Institute email: milford.muskett@bie.edu |
 | Martina Nebbiai MSc., PhD. Associate Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Tenured Professor at Universidad Central del Ecuador (UCE), and the Coordinator of the Sustainable Water Management and Irrigation PhD Program (UCE) email: mnebbiaimangani@unm.edu alt: mnebbiai@uce.edu.ec Expertise: Multidisciplinary approaches that combine water policy analysis, and community and regional planning. |
 | Frank Norris Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Historian, National Park Service Email: frank_norris@nps.gov Web: www.nps.gov/ntir Expertise: parks and protected areas, western history, national trails, Alaska |
 | Jami Nuñez Associate Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Associate Professor and Chairperson, UNM Department of Political Science email: jaminunez@unm.edu |
 | William Pockman Professor: AS Biology General Administrative; Chairperson: AS Biology General Administrative; Associate Professor: Geography Email: pockman@unm.edu Web: http://www.unm.edu/~pockman/ Expertise: ecosystem ecology, plant distributions, climate change response |
 | Caroline Scruggs Associate Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Associate Professor, UNM School of Architecture + Planning Email: cscruggs@unm.edu Web: http://saap.unm.edu/resource-center/sap-people/faculty-profiles/caroline-scruggs.html Expertise: environmental policy, public health, sustainable development |
 | Steve Sesnie Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Spatial Ecologist at US Fish and Wildlife ServiceLinkedin: Sesnie Steven - Spatial Ecologist - US Fish and Wildlife Service | LinkedIn |
 | Asa Stone Assistant Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Research Assistant Professor, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska, Lincoln Email: asastone@unm.edu
Expertise: intersection of climate and social justice, human resilience to climate change, intersections of beer, social identity, and cultural heritage
 | Jennifer Tucker |
 | Jacqueline Waite Associate Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Bureau Chief of Clean Energy Program Manager at Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department of New Mexico Linkedin: Jacqueline L. Waite - Clean Energy Program Manager - Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department of New Mexico | LinkedIn Expertise: energy and society, land use, electric grid modernization, GIS, geography education/geography curriculum and alignment with workforce needs |
 | Su Zhang Assistant Professor of Geography via Letter of Academic Title Associate Director, Earth Data Analysis Center Research Professor, Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering Email: suzhang@unm.edu Expertise: GIS, Remote Sensing, UAS, Cartography, Geovisualization, and Construction Management |