Spatial Computing Lab

The Geography and Environmental Studies Spatial Computing Lab (SCL) is located in Room 106, in Bandelier East Hall (which is building number 008 on the main campus's map).

For the Spring 2025 semester, the spatial computing lab will be open various timeframes Monday through Saturday and can be accessed using either of the main buildings entrance doors (the lab is closest to the buildings East entrance).
There are general use/open lab hours each day (designated in Green) which can be viewed by clicking here (.pdf). In order to ensure the health and safety of the labs numerous users we request that all lab patrons adhere to the labs usage guidelines which can be viewed by clicking here (.pdf).

For the Spring 2025 Semester the lab will be closed on the below days:
     Holiday: Martain Luther King Day (Monday January 20th, 2025)
     Network Maintenance/Outage: No Internet Access (Saturday February 22nd, 2025)
     Spring Break Weekend: (Saturday March 3rd, 2025)

Spring Break 2025 Lab Usage Availability Days/Hours Are As Follows:
     Monday 03/17 from 9am to 6:30pm
     Tuesday 03/18 from 9am to 6:30pm
     Wednesday 03/19 from 9am to 6:30pm
     Thursday 03/20 from 9am to 5pm
     Friday 03/21 from 8am to 6:30pm
     Saturday 03/22 = CLOSED

Do you need assistance with completing your GIS coursework or help with utilizing the GIS software in the lab?
If so, then help is available to you throughout the Spring and Fall semesters. All you need to do is come into the lab during it's open availability hours listed below during which TA/GA's office hours are hosted in the lab (which are designated in Blue/Green on the labs schedule).

Spring 2025 - TA’s Office Hours & Locations
Katie Slack – Wednesday 2:30pm-3:30pm + Thursday 2:30pm-3:30pm – Location: In Lab (Room #106)

In addition to using the lab on campus you can also access a mjority of our lab systems software applications through UNM's remote system called LoboVirtualDesktop.

LoboVirtualDesktop ( allows you 24-hour, secure access to UNM computer applications from your personal computer or other web-enabled devices. You do not need to install the applications on your personal device, and you do not need to purchase specialized hardware.
In order to use the virtual desktop, you must have internet access and utilize the Omnissa Horizon Client to access it. In addition, to get the best performance you will need to use a high speed internet. If you are using a lower-speed connection you may experience significant delays when using many of Lobo Virtual Desktop applications; if you are using a Macintosh computer, some applications will not function correctly.
To setup you computer to use please refer to the LoboVirtualDesktop website resource with the required program download [Omnissa Horizon Client ] and connection server setting [] here.

Once you have sucessfully conected to our departments Lobo Virtual Desktop it will enable you to run common and specialized software used in Geography, such as: Adobe Creative Cloud suite of programs, Mircosoft Office suite of programs, ArcGIS Desktop, Arc Pro, TerrSet LiberaGIS, ENVI 6.0, R 4.2.1, R, R Studio, QGIS, Anaconda, Python, MultiSpec, PyScripter and Visual Studio, with very minimal setup.

To gain access to the GES department's remote environment please email your instructor/advisor requesting to be granted access to it or email the Spatial Computing Lab's manager requesting it. After which once you have been granted access to the environment you'll be able to conduct your GIS coursework remotely in place of doing it physically in the lab.
With that said, though it should be mentioned that due to licensing requirements/restrictions some specific types of software (i.e., GeoCart3) can only be accessed/utilized from within in the lab.

Equipment Available for Checkout:

Garmin GPS Units

IR Thermometers

Water Monitoring Kits

Stainless Steel Cups

For questions regarding the lab facilities, email the Lab Manager.