Constantine Hadjilambrinos


Associate Professor, Geography and Environmental Sciences

Ph.D., University of Delaware | ResearchGate | Website

Dr. Hadjilambrinos's research interests are in the broad areas of environmental policy and administration, natural resource policy and management, and science, technology and society. He is interested in the study of policies for the promotion of renewable energy systems and energy efficiency, the effects of electricity industry restructuring on the technologies and resource mix utilized for electricity generation, and on waste management (particularly recycling of solid waste and radioactive waste management). Global climate change, especially the development of effective policies for greenhouse gas emmissions reductions and issues of intergenerational, social and geographic equity are all of particular interest. His research is informed by the perspectives of science, technology and society.


Energy resources, environmental policy, science-technology-and society, relationship between culture and nature


Dr. Hadjilambrinos's research is informed by the perspectives of science, technology and society. By examining technological systems as socio-technical milieus, emphasis is placed on the political and ethical dimensions of these systems.